Uhuru Furniture is Closed, but APEDF is Moving Forward! Watch this Site for Updates and Please Sign Up Below to Keep in Contact with Us


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Thank you to everyone who supported the building of Uhuru Bakery & Cafe during Give STL Day!

For regular updates on the Black Power Blueprint projects of the African People's Education and Defense Fund, sign up to get the monthly Black Power Blueprint Newsletter at Blackpowerblueprint.org


Tune in Wed. April 24th to Black Power Blueprint Live from Uhuru Bakery & Cafe 7:30 ET

Tune in! Uhuru Bakery & Cafe is bringing healthy food to end food apartheid, create employment and training in north St Louis where 30% of our people live on less than $5 per day. We are building an independent African economy -- hear what YOU can do from APEDF Board President, Ona Zene' Yeshitela, Uhuru Foods Vice Chair, Bakari Olatunji, Musical Guest Rhenda Fearrington in person at Uhuru Bakery & Cafe 3917 W. Florissant, St Louis, on zoom and streaming on youtube.com/blackpowerblueprint and facebook.com/blackpowerblueprint.

Black Power Blueprint Live! from Uhuru Bakery & Cafe Wed. April 24th

Uhuru Bakery & Cafe is opening later this year as part of the Black Power Blueprint's self-determination project to address the disparities the black community faces, with healthy delicious food, training and employment in the most impoverished area of north St. Louis. 

See the new site, hear about the history of Uhuru Bakery & Cafe and support an independent African economy! 

Featuring APEDF Board President Ona Zene Yeshitela, Uhuru Foods & Pies Vice Chair, Bakari Olatunji, and Special Musical Guest, Philly's own, Rhenda Fearrington! 

For more info and to donate givestlday.org/blackpowerblueprint. 


With Your Support in 2023 APEDF put programs into action that transformed the lives of our community:

         African Independence Workforce Program Housing Completed 

The renovations were completed and the dedication held for the African Independence Workforce Program  housing in St. Louis MO. 

AIWP is part of a process of the black community receiving our brothers and sisters back into the community to reverse the damage done by the prison system that has always been used as a colonial tool against the African Community. 

Phila. City Council Recognizes Uhuru Furniture for 30 years of African Self-determination with a Powerful Resolution of Support

Thank you to Councilwoman Kendra Brooks and her wonderful staff who sponsored the resolution 

Video Footage of Adopted City Council Resolution + Statements from Uhuru Furniture Staff

 Click thumbnails to watch each video

         City Councilwoman Kendra Brooks

         Resolution Adopted Recognizing Uhuru Furniture for 30 years of African 
        Self-Determination in the City of Philadelphia

        Statement from Uhuru Staff Member, Ali Hutley, Sales & Operations Coordinator 

Philadelphia Inquirer Coverage on Uhuru Furniture Closing

Click thumbnail to watch video

Click to Watch Video Tour of UFC Cribs Contest Winner Kim's Home!

Why Our Community Loves Uhuru Furniture & the African People's Education and Defense Fund!

"Uhuru Furniture has been my favorite store for my entire adult life! The furniture and the vibe are unlike any other place in the city. Truly one of a kind. 

The social mission of APEDF has shaped my political views for life. I've learned so much by being involved with the mission to establish African self-determination. It's been refreshing and eye-opening to witness all the achievements and hard work of this institution. Their impact will be felt forever! --Tina (center)



"I worked at Uhuru Furniture for over 25 years on and off. They introduced me to a world of caring and helping others without needing personal gain. To help others has become their life goal. They are the only group of people that I ever encountered with the will and fight for freedom and equality!" --Thor

                       "The legacy lives on in my home!" -- Kim B

                       "And mine too!" -- Artirze B

"Uhuru Furniture is community! They have a unique place I know I can always get furniture. Thank you for what you do for Philly!" 
-- Kiana B 


"I'll miss Uhuru Furniture very much! I've been coming to the store for about 30 years since you were on Spruce street. I enjoy looking at the many things, the African art and it helped the neighborhood by having real wood furniture that people could afford. It's impossible to find real wood furniture in other stores." -- Ms. Shirley with President Ona Zene' Yeshitela  


Long time shopper and UOM customers 
Dianne G and her daughter Tanya!

Volunteers Stone, Ayanna, Cierra & Vincent

"It's important for the black community to come together. Its a great movement and beneficial for all of the black community."-- Vincent (right) 

"The staff is friendly and amazing to work with! I'm glad I spent my time contributing to the black community and to the Uhuru Movement!" -- Cierra (second from the right) 

"I like to volunteer with Uhuru Furniture because I know the proceeds go to my community." --Stone (left) 


"It's been my pleasure to recommend Uhuru over the years! Their mission to support the African community is and was greatly needed and appreciated!" -- Bonnita G


"I am going to miss you guys so much. You have been such an integral part of this community helping African Americans but also helping so many people with so many beautiful pieces. Greg and I have very much enjoyed donating, shopping, watching all of the Live Shows etc. I will continue to treasure the pieces I have purchased from you guys! We wish you all the best with the next chapter!"

--Shoppers & Donors Wendy and Greg Budnaruk

Why Our Community Loves Uhuru and APEDF Continued...

"I'm really going to miss this place, made beautiful friends here. Love you all." -- Denise M

"Uhuru has been part of my life since Spruce St. They pretty much furnished my home. I am going to miss the people and Uhuru as a whole. Peace and blessings to all." -- JoAnna

"I am so sorry you have to close the store!! I am sure you will be really missed in all Philadelphia!! You have done so much for the community, you should feel proud of everything you accomplished!  I am sure the future will bring new opportunities for all you you to continue with your goals! Buena Suerte y Muchas Gracias, un abrazo fuerte!" -- Maureen B

Friends and Neighbors Saying Goodbye!

The food you brought was delicious!


Uhuru Furniture live show co-hosts Idalia and baby Ibrahim, who are our next door neighbors from Beyond the Seams. 

The Collective Team Who Made Uhuru Furniture Happen Everyday!

               Salute to the APEDF Board President Ona Zene' Yeshitela (center) the APEDF Board, 
               the UFC staff and our many many volunteers and friends!

Join Us For Uhuru Furniture's Live Segment of the Giving Tuesday 24 hour Telethon Tues. Nov 28th 12:15-1:15pm.


Giving Tuesday Reparations Telethon • Nov. 28th!


Reparations Telethon, a Giving Tuesday Fundraiser for the African People's Education and Defense Fund, is right round the corner on Tuesday, November 28, 2023! Tune in to see Uhuru Furniture Philly's segment at 12:30pm ET and register HERE  for this 24-hour extravaganza! 

Culture, music, poetry, and interviews with Uhuru Movement leaders, community members and volunteers! Join this exciting fundraiser and support APEDF's dynamic work to build African self-determination as the solution to the grave disparities in health, education and economic conditions faced by African people. Sponsored by Uhuru Solidarity, this year's Reparations Telethon builds support for the African Independence Workforce Program to reverse the negative economic impact of the colonial prison system. Donate to APEDF at apedf.org/donate. See you on Tuesday, November 28!

Giving Tuesday Reparations Telethon Primetime Hour & More! Tuesday Nov. 28th


All Volunteers are Invited to the Heart & Soul Virtual Volunteer Appreciation Party! Tues. Nov. 28th, 5:30-7:30pm ET on Zoom


The Black Power Blueprint presents: Heart and Soul: A Volunteer Appreciation Party! Awards, & Prizes! Tuesday, November 28, 2023 5:30 - 7:30 pm via Zoom. Please register at uhuruheartandsoul.eventbrite.com