The African People’s Education & Defense Fund (APEDF) regrets to announce that Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles in Oakland, CA and Philadelphia, PA will be closing after 34 years and 29 years in business respectively.
Since the 1980s and ‘90s Uhuru Furniture has provided free furniture donation pick-up services and Uhuru on the Move’s moving services. We have resold gently used furniture and household goods at affordable prices, saving thousands of tons of furniture from the landfill. Uhuru Furniture has also provided volunteer opportunities, job training and work experience.
We have been through many ups and downs, but now we are facing a situation where the U.S. economy is in a crisis. Throughout the U.S., small businesses and large corporations alike are closing their stores. Skyrocketing rents, rising prices of gas, food and goods across the board have created untenable conditions, especially for African, Indigenous, Mexican and Puerto Rican communities in the U.S. In an economy that is based on the exploitation of oppressed peoples, these communities and our small businesses are hit the hardest.
In the last 20 years it is estimated that more than 50% of the historic African community of Oakland, CA has been pushed out by gentrification and these economic conditions. In Philadelphia, over 30% of the city (485,000 people), were forced into deeper poverty and hunger when the city cut off supplemental SNAP benefits in March of this year.
These conditions have also made it impossible for the Uhuru Furniture stores to absorb rising expenses, provide sustainable wages for employees and keep our furniture at affordable prices. The cost of doing business keeps so many African and other underserved communities from long term success.
We consider it a victory for these black-owned institutions to have made it for over three decades through conditions that normally keep our community out of the economic arena. It is a statement of the tremendous support from the community for what Uhuru Furniture stands for and the mission of APEDF.
As economic development institutions of the nonprofit APEDF, the Uhuru Furniture stores have stood for the right of the African community to have self-determination. APEDF has shown through Uhuru Furniture and its other programs what self-determination for the African community looks like through these on-the-ground institutions, taking it from an idea to a concrete reality that the community can interact with and support.
Hundreds of thousands of people have chosen to shop, donate and volunteer at Uhuru Furniture because they support APEDF programs putting power in the hands of the African working class community.
From APEDF and Uhuru Furniture, we say a heartfelt THANK YOU to every person who has chosen to stand on the side of the African working class community's fight for self-determination!
Because of your support, there are programs on the ground transforming the conditions of life in our community. The Black Power Blueprint programs based in St. Louis, MO continue to expand. These programs uplift our community and provide genuine solutions to the disparities we face. APEDF has built an African farmer's market and community garden, a state of the art basketball court, created a doula training program and women's health center and much more.
Under the slogan "Our Labor, Our Future" the African Independence Workforce Program (AIWP) that we are initiating will reverse the negative economic impact of the colonial economy and prison system. AIWP will provide training and jobs so our community can contribute to a prosperous future through development of our independent liberated economy.
This colonial economy may be in crisis, but it is not our crisis, and now more than ever freedom-loving people have the opportunity to directly support the rapidly growing programs of APEDF.
Uhuru Furniture is closing but you can still support the rising power of self-determination in our communities! Uhuru Means Freedom!
1. Donate to APEDF programs and the Giving Tuesday Campaign at Make a one-time donation or become a sustainer!
2. Stay informed and sigh up for the APEDF email newsletter! Sign up at Uhuru Furniture or email us at
3. Sign up to volunteer with APEDF wherever you are. Email or call us!
4. Share your Uhuru Furniture story! Email us and we'll put it on our website!
5. Support and participate in the One Africa! One Nation! Marketplace.
6. You are invited to take an in-person tour o the Black Power Blueprint's uplifting programs in St. Louis, MO!
The Braxtons Cribs Winner 2023
Evening with Chairman Omali Yeshitela 2023
Meet & Greet withChairman Omali Yeshitelaand APEDF PresidentOna Zené Yeshitela
Uhuru Furniture deeply appreciates YOU and everyone who came out to the powerful April 23rd Meet & Greet event with Uhuru Movement founder and leader Chairman Omali Yeshitela, African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) President Ona Zene’ Yeshitela and other Uhuru leaders and special guests!
The program opened with powerful drumming by Karen ‘Magic Fingaz’ Smith, spoken word and collective chanting led by Felicia Crisden as the entourage from St. Louis entered the building.
Uhuru Furniture is just one of over 50 institutions of African economic and political self-determination led by Chairman Omali and President Ona Zene’. These institutions are under attack from the FBI because we are building power in our own hands and transforming the disparities our community faces in every aspect of life - health, healthcare, food, employment, education, housing, mass imprisonment, culture, the future of our children, our human and democratic rights and so much more!
In an enthusiastically received presentation Chairman Omali Yeshitela spoke about the violent FBI raid on his home and 6 other Uhuru Movement homes and institutions on July 29, 2022 as well as recent economic sanctions on the APEDF programs. These programs which uplift thousands of people in our community are being attacked because their very existence and popularity with our community challenges the unjust status quo that profits off keeping us powerless and in poverty.
President Ona Zene’ put forward the whole Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles staff, customers and volunteers who make this work happen every day. Dr. Aisha Fields, director of our sister nonprofit the All African People’s Development and Empowerment Project, Rage Grey, new leader of the One Africa! Farmers Market in St. Louis MO and Fofeet Alkebulan, leader of the Black Ankh Project all spoke about their work for African self-determination and power in our own hands. A lively discussion followed.
Your support for APEDF and Uhuru Furniture is more important now than ever! Thank you to everyone who participated and donated to support this critical work!
Thank you all for Making the Uhuru Health Festival & Flea Market a big success!
Regions Bank ExposéLong Standing Racist Policies, Fraud and Corruption

Regions Bank’s recent collusion with the FBI in attacking the African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) and imposing sanctions on its programs serving the interests of the African working class is only the latest in a long line of racist actions, fraud and corruption scandals by Regions in recent years benefitting the parasitic banking executives.
Regions CEO John Turner’s salary is a staggering 8.5 million dollars a year and several other executives make well over 3 million dollars a year! See: Regions executive salaries.
Yet, Regions is headquartered in Birmingham, AL whose population is 69 percent African while only 18 percent of Regions employees are black. The city of Birmingham has 25.5 percent of its families living below the poverty line and a per capita income of only $26,000 a year.
Regions’ parasitic, blood-sucking executives actively gouged their everyday customers (not their big investors) with fraudulent illicit surprise overdraft fees for years even though the executives had been warned by their staff that these fees were illegal.
September 2022, The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) forced Regions to refund $141 million to customers and pay a $50 million fee for repeatedly defrauding their customers with overdraft fees–fees that were imposed even after customers were told they had sufficient funds prior to withdrawal.
This practice went on as far back as 2015 when Regions was first reprimanded and continued until at least 2021. See: CFPB orders Regions to pay $191 million.
The CFPB also found that Regions leadership knew about and could have discontinued its gouging of their customers years earlier, but they chose to wait while Regions pursued changes that would generate new fee revenue to make up for ending the illegal fees.
“Regions Bank raked in tens of millions of dollars in surprise overdraft fees every year, even after its own staff warned that the bank’s practices were illegal,” said CFPB Director Rohit Chopra.
Regions did this despite the fact that in 2015 they hired John Boles, a 25-year FBI agent, to head up its “Fraud Prevention” department which obviously was complicit with the executives’ fraudulent actions.
In addition, Regions was a major lender and trustee for a 30 year loan to the private prison corporation CoreCivic for the building of two new private prisons in Alabama in Escambia and Elmore counties.
A press release from an organization fighting Regions’ funding of the Alabama private prisons stated that the state’s colonial “draconian minimum sentencing laws, which hopelessly incarcerate people for catastrophically long periods of time” were cited as a major cause of Alabama’s brutal prison conditions.
“Over 5,660 people are currently serving life sentences or life without parole, which encompass 26 percent of the overall Alabama Department of Corrections population. This makes immediate overcrowding of the prisons as soon as they are built inevitable…” the group stated. Alabama Student Activists hold protest at Regions bank
The Uhuru Movement is well aware of the brutal colonial conditions of the Alabama prisons and remembers the testimony of our late heroic comrade and African political prisoner Mafundi Lake who testified at the First Tribunal on Reparations to African People that he was kept for years in a freezing cold cell in lock down at the notorious Atmore-Holman prison in Alabama with no clothes or bedding and nothing but two pieces of toilet paper to put over his body.
Regions stated that they would sever their ties to the CoreCivic at the end of 2023 only after protests were held at their Birmingham headquarters in 2020. The bank generously gave their private prison customers three years notice for the end of their loan, but gave APEDF an immediate notice with no reason for the termination their loans
Alabama was one of the states that most profited from the brutal colonial convict leasing program that was used from 1846 and extending for 80 years until 1928. It was the last state to formally outlaw it. The revenues derived from convict leasing were substantial, accounting for about 10 percent of total state revenues during 1883, surging to nearly 73 percent of all the money coming into the state by 1898!
The convict leasing program captured thousands of African men, women, children and toddlers forcing them to be hired out to corporations and plantations where they were brutalized, beaten, starved and worked to death. Convict leasing was called “worse than slavery” and operated with the motto, “One dies, get another.”
This is the basis of the colonial prison system and the wealth of the banks in Alabama and the US today! AP article with photos of convict leasing. An article in the Washington Post shows that slave owners and their families in Alabama and the south actually got richer after the end of chattel slavery than during the time of enslavement due to convict leasing.
African people have been criminally exploited by the U.S. banking system since the theft of more than $66 million dollars deposited by more than 61,000 African people during the first nine years after the end of enslavement. The Freedmen’s Bank was officially closed on June 29, 1874 after the parasitic colonial white board members stole our money for their own enrichment and investments. No white person ever went to jail or paid a price for this theft –one more reason why $14.1 trillion in reparations are owed to African people in the US for stolen labor alone.
- Boycott Regions Bank! Bank-Run on Regions! Close your accounts.
- Call-in to your local Regions branch and state the demands during open hours.
- Go to your local Regions bank and state demands for CEO John Turner:
- Stop Regions’ racist sanctions on APEDF! Support Black economic development!
- Demonstrate at a Regions bank branch in your city and hand out this flier!
- Join and assist in legal action against Regions at
- Donate to the Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! campaign at
Regions Bank’s recent collusion with the FBI in attacking the African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) and imposing sanctions on its programs serving the interests of the African working class is only the latest in a long line of racist actions, fraud and corruption scandals by Regions in recent years benefitting the parasitic banking executives.
Regions CEO John Turner’s salary is a staggering 8.5 million dollars a year and several other executives make well over 3 million dollars a year! See: Regions executive salaries.
Yet, Regions is headquartered in Birmingham, AL whose population is 69 percent African while only 18 percent of Regions employees are black. The city of Birmingham has 25.5 percent of its families living below the poverty line and a per capita income of only $26,000 a year.
Regions’ parasitic, blood-sucking executives actively gouged their everyday customers (not their big investors) with fraudulent illicit surprise overdraft fees for years even though the executives had been warned by their staff that these fees were illegal.
September 2022, The U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) forced Regions to refund $141 million to customers and pay a $50 million fee for repeatedly defrauding their customers with overdraft fees–fees that were imposed even after customers were told they had sufficient funds prior to withdrawal.
This practice went on as far back as 2015 when Regions was first reprimanded and continued until at least 2021. See: CFPB orders Regions to pay $191 million.
The CFPB also found that Regions leadership knew about and could have discontinued its gouging of their customers years earlier, but they chose to wait while Regions pursued changes that would generate new fee revenue to make up for ending the illegal fees.
“Regions Bank raked in tens of millions of dollars in surprise overdraft fees every year, even after its own staff warned that the bank’s practices were illegal,” said CFPB Director Rohit Chopra.
Regions did this despite the fact that in 2015 they hired John Boles, a 25-year FBI agent, to head up its “Fraud Prevention” department which obviously was complicit with the executives’ fraudulent actions.
In addition, Regions was a major lender and trustee for a 30 year loan to the private prison corporation CoreCivic for the building of two new private prisons in Alabama in Escambia and Elmore counties.
A press release from an organization fighting Regions’ funding of the Alabama private prisons stated that the state’s colonial “draconian minimum sentencing laws, which hopelessly incarcerate people for catastrophically long periods of time” were cited as a major cause of Alabama’s brutal prison conditions.
“Over 5,660 people are currently serving life sentences or life without parole, which encompass 26 percent of the overall Alabama Department of Corrections population. This makes immediate overcrowding of the prisons as soon as they are built inevitable…” the group stated. Alabama Student Activists hold protest at Regions bank
The Uhuru Movement is well aware of the brutal colonial conditions of the Alabama prisons and remembers the testimony of our late heroic comrade and African political prisoner Mafundi Lake who testified at the First Tribunal on Reparations to African People that he was kept for years in a freezing cold cell in lock down at the notorious Atmore-Holman prison in Alabama with no clothes or bedding and nothing but two pieces of toilet paper to put over his body.
Regions stated that they would sever their ties to the CoreCivic at the end of 2023 only after protests were held at their Birmingham headquarters in 2020. The bank generously gave their private prison customers three years notice for the end of their loan, but gave APEDF an immediate notice with no reason for the termination their loans
Alabama was one of the states that most profited from the brutal colonial convict leasing program that was used from 1846 and extending for 80 years until 1928. It was the last state to formally outlaw it. The revenues derived from convict leasing were substantial, accounting for about 10 percent of total state revenues during 1883, surging to nearly 73 percent of all the money coming into the state by 1898!
The convict leasing program captured thousands of African men, women, children and toddlers forcing them to be hired out to corporations and plantations where they were brutalized, beaten, starved and worked to death. Convict leasing was called “worse than slavery” and operated with the motto, “One dies, get another.”
This is the basis of the colonial prison system and the wealth of the banks in Alabama and the US today! AP article with photos of convict leasing. An article in the Washington Post shows that slave owners and their families in Alabama and the south actually got richer after the end of chattel slavery than during the time of enslavement due to convict leasing.
African people have been criminally exploited by the U.S. banking system since the theft of more than $66 million dollars deposited by more than 61,000 African people during the first nine years after the end of enslavement. The Freedmen’s Bank was officially closed on June 29, 1874 after the parasitic colonial white board members stole our money for their own enrichment and investments. No white person ever went to jail or paid a price for this theft –one more reason why $14.1 trillion in reparations are owed to African people in the US for stolen labor alone.
- Boycott Regions Bank! Bank-Run on Regions! Close your accounts.
- Call-in to your local Regions branch and state the demands during open hours.
- Go to your local Regions bank and state demands for CEO John Turner:
- Stop Regions’ racist sanctions on APEDF! Support Black economic development!
- Demonstrate at a Regions bank branch in your city and hand out this flier!
- Join and assist in legal action against Regions at
- Donate to the Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! campaign at
Children's Book Author and Entrepreneur,Felicia is donating 10% of the proceeds of her new book, "Chelsea Chanels" to the African People's Education and Defense Fund (APEDF).
To Felicia on Instagram
To find this book and her other works (or by searching)
To visit Felicia and buy her book at her store Fefe's Creations located at
African History Month Movie Night Thurs. Feb 23The African People’s Education Defense Fund and the African People’s Socialist Party Philadelphia Presents:
2023 MLK Day Event & Volunteer Project We deeply appreciate all of YOU who volunteered at Uhuru Furniture’s MLK Day 2023! Your work made this powerful event and volunteer project in support of black community economic self-determination a success!
This was our 26th annual MLK Day event and the store was packed! The program featured the true history and work of MLK, Malcolm X and the continuing struggle for African freedom. An essential part of this program was the summation by Chairman Omali Yeshitela of MLK and his work to transform the lives of African people. Chairman exposed that the FBI attacked and assassinated Dr. King for fighting for freedom for African people. This is the same reason that the FBI is attacking the Uhuru Movement today, undermining the African community’s right to economic self-determination including the African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) programs and institutions for health, healthcare, economic development, education, food and human rights.
We deeply appreciate our mobilizing MC Dr. Michelle Strongfields, the powerful drum and spoken word performance by Karen Smith and Rahnda Rize, Tiffany Murphy, North Regional Rep for the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and the One Africa! One Nation! Marketplace, the groups from Philly Urban Creators and the Temple Owlettes Dance Team as well as all the families, friends and individuals who participated!
15 teams of volunteers distributed over 4100 door hangers in neighborhoods around the city to inform our community about Uhuru Furniture, the APEDF programs and how everyone can shop, donate and volunteer at this black community owned self-reliance institution.
Back at the store we had pizza, prizes and awards. Many volunteers expressed how much they appreciated the program, donated to APEDF and signed up to volunteer again soon.
This was our 26th annual MLK Day event and the store was packed! The program featured the true history and work of MLK, Malcolm X and the continuing struggle for African freedom. An essential part of this program was the summation by Chairman Omali Yeshitela of MLK and his work to transform the lives of African people. Chairman exposed that the FBI attacked and assassinated Dr. King for fighting for freedom for African people. This is the same reason that the FBI is attacking the Uhuru Movement today, undermining the African community’s right to economic self-determination including the African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) programs and institutions for health, healthcare, economic development, education, food and human rights.
We deeply appreciate our mobilizing MC Dr. Michelle Strongfields, the powerful drum and spoken word performance by Karen Smith and Rahnda Rize, Tiffany Murphy, North Regional Rep for the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) and the One Africa! One Nation! Marketplace, the groups from Philly Urban Creators and the Temple Owlettes Dance Team as well as all the families, friends and individuals who participated!
15 teams of volunteers distributed over 4100 door hangers in neighborhoods around the city to inform our community about Uhuru Furniture, the APEDF programs and how everyone can shop, donate and volunteer at this black community owned self-reliance institution.
Back at the store we had pizza, prizes and awards. Many volunteers expressed how much they appreciated the program, donated to APEDF and signed up to volunteer again soon.
Press Conference: Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles Phila. PA Jan 13, 2023
On Jan 13, 2023 UFC hosted a press conference to raise the importance of MLK’s struggle for the rights of black people and say “Hands Off Uhuru!” to expose the FBI’s attack on seven institutions and homes of leaders of the Uhuru Movement including Chairman Omali Yeshitela, founder and leader of the Uhuru Movement and APEDF.
Uhuru Furniture Night Market!
Nov. 26th 2022, 4pm-7:30pm
An Evening with Chairman Omali Yeshitela
Sept. 17th 6:30pm!
Volunteer Meet-Up April 13th 6:30-7:30pm!
Uhuru Health Festival & Flea Market!Saturday April 30th 9-5pm
Dance Workshop Thursday April 21st 3-4pm
2022 MLK Day Event & Volunteer Project!
Build Project Black Ankh!Report from the IFCO Caravan to Cuba
Dance Workshop
2021 MLK Day Event & Volunteer Project!
2021 MLK Day Event & Volunteer Project!
Karen Smith's "60 is the new 40" Birthday Party
"Stop Poisoning Our Students & Teachers!" Press Conference
2020 Uhuru MLK Day
Vanguard 2019 International Speaking Tour

Click through for more photos
5th Annual Uhuru Book Fair

25th Anniversary Buy Black Power Mitandao Chama Networking Party

25th Anniversary Victory Banquet

25th Anniversary Community Block Party
2019 Uhuru Health Festival & Flea Market

Click through for more photos
2019 Uhuru MLK Day
2018 Uhuru Book Fair & Flea Market

2018 Uhuru Health Festival & Flea Market

CLICK HERE to see photos from
the Reparations Tour - Philly
2018 Uhuru MLK Day
Uhuru Furniture in The Philadelphia Inquirer!
2017 Staff & Volunteer Appreciation Dinner Party
2017 Uhuru Book Fair & Flea Market Photos
Under imperialist domination, nothing comes outof Africa peacefully
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"We have always said that nothing leaves Africa peacefully. In the last 600 years, there has been no genuine trade or cooperation between Africa and the rest of the world, particularly with Europe. There is a human life cost for every extraction of our labor and natural resources by parasitic capitalist companies in Africa and throughout African communities around the world, which is not recognized in the price of merchandise in the capitalist market..." Read more... |
Click image above for more photos
#BlackGirlsWrapWednesday: A campaign against anti-African school dress code policies spreads like wildfire!
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"ST.PETERSBURG, FL––About two weeks ago, African students were threatened by school administration at Gibbs High School as an attack was placed on African culture. My friend Jelani was walking through the school halls at when a school administrator and a resource (police) officer stopped her and ordered that she removed her African headwrap. Puzzled, Jelani asked why, to which they responded that her African headwrap was a violation of the school dress code..." Read More... |
All-day festival in West Philly!
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"PHILADELPHIA––The Uhuru Book Fair & Flea Market (UBFFM) is an education and economic development project of the African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF), supporting programs for education, health, sustainable economic development, and self-determination by and for the African community..." Read More... |
Chairman Omali Yeshitela saluted for
ripping down anti-African mural from
St. Petersburg City Hall 50 years ago!
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"ST. PETERSBURG, FL––Chairman Omali Yeshitela of the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP) will be honored in an evening reception where he will tell the story of the 1966 protest that culminated in his tearing down of the anti-African mural which had hung in St. Petersburg’s City Hall since the 1940s... " Read More... |
African students speak out against anti-African school dress code
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"ST. PETERSBURG, FL––Yesterday morning, young African women gathered at the front of Gibbs High School to conduct a press conference to discuss an incident that had happened a few days prior. Gibbs High School Senior Jelani Masozi was forced by a school administrator, accompanied by a resource officer, to remove her head wrap on Thursday, August 25th, 2016..." Read More... |
Louisiana flooding highlights the need for Africans to be self-determined
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Congratulations Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles - Oakland on winning "Best Furniture Store" 7th Year in a Row - Best of the East Bay!! Click here to read more... |
Black Power Radio celebrates Black August
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This August, Black Power 96 is hosting a month-long fundraising campaign, “Black August,” to highlight the theme of African Resistance, from the Haitian Revolution to the rebellions in Ferguson. Click Here to Read More... |
Police Brutality – numbers don’t lie.
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"97% of cases in 2015 did NOT result in any officer(s) involved being charged with a crime." Click here to read more... |
Funding failures
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"Pennsylvania gets low marks on equity and adequacy in school spending. A new formula may help, but only slightly. Charters and districts are left elbowing each other" |
Muhammad Ali: A man of the times!
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"By the time 1964 rolls around with 22-year old Muhammad Ali’s stunning victory against the previously considered “unbeatable” Sonny Liston, the peoples of the entire colonized world––from Harlem to Congo to Vietnam–– were engaging white imperialism in open revolutionary struggle for control over our own lives and resources." Click here to read the full article. |
Chairman Omali Yeshitela visits
Uhuru Furniture
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Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles was honored to welcome Uhuru Movement founder & leader Chairman Omali Yeshitela to the store! |
Uhuru Furniture Welcomes Jamal, grandson of Mumia Abu Jamal!
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Jamal (center) is pictured with staff members Jesus (left) and Ali (right). The Uhuru Furniture team works every day to build for African freedom and self-determination! |
Chairman Omali: The wolf and the
double-edged blade
Uhuru Furniture Providing Couches and Community in North Philly
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"Empress spent much of her time in the store looking for storage pieces for the massive amount of yarn she uses. She said that she strongly support the idea of donating and then giving back to the community..." Click here to read more... |
2016 Uhuru Health Festival & Flea Market Video
Photos from the 2016 Uhuru Health Festival!
Luxury housing takes over Black landmarks in Philly
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"The recently disclosed sale of the historic, 110-year-old First African Baptist Church at 16th and Christian streets, which once housed the country’s oldest African-American congregation, is another example of what’s being lost amid the white-hot real estate market in the section called Graduate Hospital..." Click here to read more... |
The SNAP Gap: Benefits Aren't Enough To Keep Many Recipients Fed
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"Nearly one-third of households on SNAP, formerly known as food stamps, still have to visit a food pantry to keep themselves fed, according to USDA data..." Click here for the full article |
Flint water "crisis" is a crime of genocide
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The African people of Flint began suffering from headaches, psychological problems, skin lesions, legionnaire’s disease and death due to the poisonous water they have been drinking. Click here for the full article Among the 10 largest cities, Philly has highest deep-poverty rateClick here for full article. |
Studies Confirm the Dehumanization of Black Children and the ‘Preschool-to-Prison Pipeline’
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A number of recent studies and reports paint a damning picture of how American society dehumanizes blacks starting from early childhood. Click here for the full article. |
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Our 2016 MLK Day Event & Volunteer Project was a HUGE success! We reached almost 5600 people with our outreach service project. CLICK HERE to see more pictures from the day! THANK YOU to everyone who participated for your support of the African People's Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) and the All African People's Development and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP)! |
AAPDEP Organizing Philly Garden Collective
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"In June of this year the All African Peoples Development and Empowerment project organized a garden collective in Philadelphia. The garden collective is a group of about 8-10 different families that have agreed to work cooperatively to grow food, teach and learn from each other, and pool resources both material and human...Click here for the full article |
Thank You from the 2015 Uhuru Health Festival & Flea Market!
Uhuru Furniture & Collectibles Supports The Resistance of the African Community of Ferguson!
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day Event & Volunteer Project - 2015
Thanks to Our Volunteers for Making 2014 MLK Day Great
Philadelphia is Closing 23 Schools While Building A $400 Million Prison
Uhuru Furniture Open House
Created with flickr slideshow.
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